ABstract submission
The abstract submission for the 10th SCAR Open Science Conference has now closed and participants have been notified.
Abstract Submission Instructions
- The Abstract Submission Portal closes 12th June 2022.
- The Submitting author must be the corresponding author that will be contacted if any issues arise with the abstract.
- The author and co-authors must be entered in the order you wish for them to appear in the conference citation.
- It is highly recommended that you create your abstract offline and cut and paste into the portal, so that you retain a copy of your submission. Special characters and formatting in the abstract may be lost during the copying process.
- There is no limit on the number of abstracts submitted by an author.
- Do not submit multiple versions of the same abstract. If there are multiple versions, the one with the latest timestamp will be used and the others deleted.
- All material must be the work of the listed author(s).
- Before entering your abstract, you will be asked to choose a parallel session type and then a parallel session. A link to the full list of proposed parallel sessions is available here.
- The final set of parallel sessions in the Conference Science Program will be determined by the abstracts submitted. Parallel sessions may be added and/or deleted at the discretion of the International Science Organizing Committee and affected abstracts re-assigned as necessary
- Authors other than the submitting author are added via the “add co-author” function. There is no limit on the number of co-authors.
- Indicate the presenting author by ticking the box “presenting author”. Only one presenting author is allowed.
- The abstract title is limited to 30 words. Capitalize names and proper nouns (words that name a specific person, place, organization, or thing) in the title.
- The abstract text is limited to 250 words.
- Once you have submitted your abstract, you can edit, preview, download, or delete your abstract by navigating to “Abstract Status” in the portal. These functions are available until the close of abstract submissions on 12 June 2022.
- Once deleted, your abstract is not recoverable.
- After the deadline all submitted abstracts will be reviewed, and accepted abstracts will only be included in the conference programme if you have registered for the conference.
- Contact scar2022@elbonmeetings.com should you wish to withdraw your abstract after the submission deadline.
- Please get in touch with us at scar2022@elbonmeetings.com if you have any questions or need assistance.